Our Support Programme

At Aspect Housing, our support services are flexible, sensitive and responsive to our service users’ needs. Our Support Programme is designed to ensure that our service users feel respected and valued as unique individuals while we encourage them towards independence. We are committed to equality of opportunity and have a belief in the fundamental principle that every person has a right to good quality housing and the necessary support to become independent in life. In our daily operations, we are always working hard to achieve this ideal.

Support Plan

After a detailed consultation with yourself, we will work with you to identify your support needs and aspirations. This will form the basis of your support plan during which you will play an important role. A Support Worker will be allocated to you and will begin working closely with you to implement the Support Plan. Some of the things the Support Worker may help you with are things like developing your English language skills, helping you with any benefits you may be entitled to, or helping you find employment. A support plan is directed by you and how eager you are to develop your life skills, so remember, communication with your Support Worker is key!

Your tenancy

At the beginning of your support plan we will find you a clean, warm, secure and peaceful place to live.

We normally provide a shared house where you will have a room for yourself and shared communal facilities. You will also be given a 12 month Excluded License Agreement which will outline both yours and our responsibilities. Your new home will also be governed by local HMO Regulations covering health and safety policies.

A notice board will always be on site to provide you with information on what to do and who to contact in case of any emergencies.

Please be aware that you can only reside in supported accommodation if you have a support plan in place and with the assistance of your Support Worker, actively adhere to its requirements. Failure to follow requirements could possibly result in the termination of your tenancy.

Our Commitment to You

We are committed to ensuring that you receive the necessary support to empower you towards independent living. We understand the difficulty that comes with navigating certain aspects that come with independent living such as applying for Universal Credit online, opening your own bank account, budgeting, visiting the Jobcentre, searching for work, or even registering with a local General Practitioner.

When you join us, your journey will begin with us as we team you with one of our qualified support workers. With their qualified experience and guidance, they will help you to overcome your anxieties or any breakdown In language barriers that you may have, while helping you to build your self-confidence to enable you to one day become confident in managing your own living matters.

Once you are assigned a Support Worker, you will then be required to meet with them on a weekly basis. The key objectives of these sessions will be to:

  • Identify your support needs.

  • Discuss any current issues you may be experiencing.

  • Come up with a support plan framework.

  • Guide you to achieve the goals you agree to.

  • Ensure that you are on track with achieving your goals toward independent living.

If at any point you do feel that you require additional support, this can be discussed and considered in these sessions to aid your personal development.

Our commitment is to ensure that you become more confident and able to build your life-skills to eventually integrate into society as an independent person who one day, can also contribute to the wider community around them.

Valuing Your Thoughts

Throughout the Support Plan, our primary goal is to work with our service users to develop what we call a Service User Involvement Strategy which reflects our Best Value Principles. This means that our staff are trained to a high standard with the sole purpose of offering you an excellent service. We are committed to continuously challenging and reviewing our services to ensure that they are truly responsive to our service users' needs. We see it as our duty to assist and educate our service users to develop opportunities for them in a manner that is respectful and confidential while making it an enjoyable process.

Our Support Programme is designed to offer the maximum benefit to you so if at any time you feel we have failed in our obligation to you, whether it be in an area of support provision or home maintenance, then please contact us immediately as we will do our best to put right any wrongs. For further information on our complaints procedure, you can refer to the Complaints Policy.

Moving On

After working closely with your support worker, you will one day leave our Support Programme and grow in confidence as an independent person. Our dedicated staff will still be on hand to assist you in registering with letting/renting agencies or applying for housing with housing associations and councils.

We have every confidence in you to continue building on your life-changing skills and prosper!